Climate Adaptation Balance Change Ecosystems

Workpackage 8: Program management and public outreach.

WP8 is coordinated by its coordinators Dr. Andris Andrusaitis, associate professor, Faculty of Biology UL and Dr. habil. Maris Klavins, professor, Faculty of Geography and Earth Sciences UL). Program manager Ineta Pliksa is responsible for Program’s every-day administration. Aim of WP8 is to secure successful accomplishment of the Programme tasks in high scientific quality and to facilitate development of interdisciplinary research on water environment and climate change in national and international level.

WP8 tasks are:

  • Scientific supervision, coordination of work among work packages and everyday administration of the Program (Management).
  • Supervision of the effective use of Program funding (Finances).
  • Information of public about Program’s work and its results (Public information).
  • Support to the work of the Program’s International Advisory Board (Advisory Board).
  • Development of national water research school (Water Environmental Receasch School).

WP8 outputs will be:

  • Coordination of work towards successful fulfilment of Program’s tasks.
  • Created and regularly updated Program’s web-page to inform public about the potential impact of climate change on the waters of the Baltic region, about Programme’s activities and outputs. Published introductory brochure, and series of popular papers on the expected climate change impact on water of the Baltic region and Latvia as well as necessary adaptation activities.
  • Support to media to secure regular communication of scientifically correct information of broad public about expected climate change impact on water of the Baltic region and Latvia as well as necessary adaptation activities.
  • Improved education of young scientists, increased number of high quality scientific publications and defended PhD dissertations on topics related to the Program. Arrangement of international PhD courses on Programme’s topics.